The Early Years of Venezuelan Administrative Growth
Guiding a Puerto Rico-based firm with offices in Florida, Julio M. Herrera Velutini maintains a longstanding presence in the Venezuelan banking industry. Coming from a prominent family that helped establish a national currency, Julio M. Herrera Velutini has ancestors featured in the book Venezuela — A Century of Change.
In the 1880s, Antonio Guzman Blanco served as president of the newly independent nation of Venezuela and took on a vital role in wresting the country from its colonial past. Foreign investment was encouraged in areas such as telegraph lines and railroads, with public construction coming to the fore and immigration providing additional impetus to growth. As Joaquin Crespo took over Guzman Blanco’s role, Ministries of Public Instruction and Public Works were staffed and expanded.
In 1893, Jose Antonio Velutini accepted a high-profile role as Secretary of State of the Revolution and was pivotal in obtaining clemency for former officials at a time when trials were being held related to previous administrative misdeeds. At the same time, Velutini made efforts to standardize internal policies and position Venezuela for sustained growth into the 20th century.